

  • “English and Italian verbs of cognitive attitude”, Lexical Complexity and Translation, Pisa, March 20-21, 2006

  • Let’s assume it is both conceptual and procedural… A hypothesis about the information encoded by verbs of cognitive attitude”, XXIV Congreso Internacional AESLA, Madrid, March 30 – April 1, 2006

  • “Lexical Complexity: Theoretical considerations and Lexicographic Implications”, Glossari, Dizionari, Corpora: Lessicologia e Lessicografia delle Lingue Europoee, Gargnano del Garda (BS), May 25-27, 2006


  • “Insights into the lexicon of vision in domain-specific English”, with Daniele Franceschi and Maria Ivana Lorenzetti. Paper presented in the English Language panel at the conference Lexicology and lexicography of domain-specific languages, Palermo, Sicily (June 2007). Abstract.

  • “Antonymy and verbs of cognitive attitude: when know is the opposite of think and believe“. Paper presented in the panel “Lexical Contrast in Discourse”, 10th International Pragmatics Conference, Göteborg, Sweden (July 2007). Presentation slides.

  • “The texture of thought: a corpus-based study in lexical pragmatics”, with Marcella Bertuccelli Papi. Paper presented at the 10th International Pragmatics Conference, Göteborg, Sweden (July 2007). Presentation slides.


  • Invited presentation of the book “I reckon I know how Leonardo da Vinci must have felt…” Epistemicity, evidentiality and English verbs of cognitive attitude at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, March 26, 2008.

  • “Travelling words: Languaging in English tourism discourse.” Paper presented at the British Academy Colloquium 3: Translations and Travels. In Medias Res: British-Italian Cultural Transactions, Pisa, Italy, (April 4-6, 2008). Presentation slides

  • Invited talk. “Syntactic, semantic, pragmatic negation and English verbs of cognitive attitude”, Lexical-semantic relations from theoretical and practical perspectives, Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, Germany (June 5-6, 2008). (Unfortunately, I had to cancel).


  • “Spatial representation in English and Italian guidebooks”. Paper presented at the 24th Conference of the Italian Association for English Studies, Challenges for the 21st Century: Dilemmas, Ambiguities, Directions, Rome, Italy (October 1-3).


  • “Epistemic verbs and the procedural/conceptual issue”, Workshop on Metaphor, Lexical Pragmatics and Relevance Theory (Prof. Robyn Carston), organized by the Scuola di Dottorato in Discipline Umanistiche, Dottorato in Linguistica, Università di Pisa (invito).


  • “Languaging and the construction of Italianness” (with Daniele Franceschi).  Intercultural Communication: Examples from English and Italian, Pisa.


  • “Narratives in post-trip genres of tourism discourse”, Paper presented at the  XXVI AIA Conference, Parma (12-14 September).
Copyright © Gloria Cappelli